Meridian Revogene® Carba C
A diagnostic solution to enable early detection and management of Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) from isolated colonies of Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter baumannii, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The assay identifies a blaIMP, blaNDM or blaVIM metallo-β-lactamase gene (i.e., the genes that encode the IMP, NDM and VIM metallo-β-lactamases, respectively) may be used as an aid to clinicians in determining appropriate therapeutic strategies for patients with known or suspected carbapenem non-susceptible infections.

General information
The Meridian Revogene® Carba C assay is intended as an aid for infection control in the detection of carbapenem-non-susceptible bacteria that colonize patients in healthcare settings. Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) infections are hazardous to our patients and alarming for healthcare systems. Early identification and isolation of colonized or infected patients is key to limiting the spread of these organisms in healthcare settings and to help in better guidance of treatment.
Well documented method with excellent performance
- Based on well-established and widely used molecular method (real-time PCR)
- Highly sensitive and specific method
Technical information
Available product |
Method | Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) |
Sample material | Pure colonies of Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter baumannii, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa on blood agar or MacConkey agar |
Instrument information | Sample lysis, dilution, amplification, detection and results interpretation in the Meridian Revogene® instrument, inside the cartridge (pie) |
Sensitivity | KPC 100 %, NDM 99 %, VIM 100 %, OXA-48-like 100 %, IMP 100 % |
Specificity | KPC 99 %, NDM 99 %, VIM 100 %, OXA-48-like 100 %, IMP 96 % |
Hands on time | < 2 minutes |
Results | < 70 minutes |
Storage | 2-25 °C |
Other material needed | Micropipette, Vortex mixer, Densitometer/Card for turbidity reading |
Registered trademark | Revogene® is a registered trademark of Meridian Bioscience, Inc. |
More information
Visit website: Revogene® Carba C | Meridian Bioscience